- 10th Street Woman Mural
- 1-2-3-4 Go! Records
- 14th and Harrison Mural
- 15th and Webster Murals
- 1700 International Fence Mural
- 17th St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Way Murals
- 1 For All Mural
- 24th Street Mural
- 26th Street Deb Mural
- 31st and MLK mural
- 35th Street Smooi Mural
- 3 Point Celebration mural
- 4001 Howe mural
- 4101 Lakeshore Garage Mural
- 4166 MacArthur Mural
- 4 Elements Mural
- 4M Foods Mural
- 5108 Manila Mural
- 5237 Mural
- 5920 San Pablo Mural
- 5th and Center Production
- 62nd and San Pablo
- 7th and Booker Mural
- 7th Street BART mural
- 808 Laurel Mural
- 814 Alice Street mural
- 829 Vermont Mural
- 82nd Produce Murals
- 858 Rosemount Mural
- 8th and International Mural
- 8th Street Old Oakland murals
- 922 Alma Place
- ABCO ArtSpace Mural
- Abstract Mural
- Acala Studios Murals
- A Community of Helping Hands Mural
- Adeline and 26th street art
- Adeline Manor Murals
- African American Museum and Library at Oakland
- AHA mural
- Aim for the Stars Mural
- A Journey of Promise mural
- Alice Street Mural Project
- Alliance Academy Murals
- All Power to the People Mural
- All You Need is One Chance Mural
- Aloy Excel Evol Resq Mural
- Always Faithful Mural
- Alynn Mags Lady Mural
- Alynn-Mags-Milli Production
- A Market Mural
- American Auto Repair Murals
- American Steel Murals
- American Steel Studios
- Amigo's Auto Body Mural
- Ancient Meditations Mural
- And How Are the Children Mural
- Anemal Meck Sory Piece
- Angels and Masks Mural
- Animurals
- Another Day in Paradise Mural
- Ant Tees Mural
- Arbor Cafe Mural
- Arrival Mural
- Art is Love Mural
- Artist Mural
- AscenDance Mural
- Ashrose Mural
- Assata Shakur Mural
- Athen B. Gallery Wall One
- A Tradition of Service to a Community Mural
- Attack on Titans Mural
- Awaken 3515 Grand Ave
- Baby World Mural
- Back Flip Mural
- Baja Taqueria
- Bama Mural
- Bay City Alternators Mural
- Bay Raptor Mural
- Beacon Mural Series
- Beautiful Struggle mural
- beautiful trucks
- Beauty and the Beast Mural
- Bee Building Mural
- Bee Healthy Honey Shop Mural
- Beer Revolution
- Bella Vista Elementary School
- Bella Vista Park mural
- Bergeron's Mural
- Big Things Mural
- Bike Style Mural
- Bird Eye Garage Mural
- Bird Flu Mural
- Bird on a Branch Mural
- Black & Brown Unity Mural
- Black-Crowned Night Heron
- Black Liberation mural
- Black Panther Mural
- Blind Tiger mural
- Blue Building Mural
- Blues Mural
- Blum Mural
- BMD Owl Mural
- BMD Snake Mural
- Bomb Squad Mural
- Boom Box Mural
- Bottoms Up! Mural
- Brand X Huaraches Murals
- Brianna Noble/BlackLivesMatter Mural
- Bridge Container Mural
- Bridge Mural
- Bringing in the Abundance Mural
- Broadway Pet Hospital Mural
- Broadway Smog mural
- Brothers Barber Mural
- Brotzeit Mural
- Bruce Lee Mural
- Bud Snow Snake Mural
- Burnt Oak Gallery Mural
- Buss Automotive Mural
- Butterfly Mural
- Cab and Cink Mural
- Cakeland Gallery Mural
- Calcot Place Murals
- California Quail Mural
- Calypso Queen mural
- Cam Huong Bakery Mural
- Captain Liquor Murals
- Carlos Nava Mural
- Carniceria Hernandez Murals
- Carrington Steps
- Cartoon Mural
- Casa Segura
- Casa Segura Mural
- Catalytic Converters Mural
- Catholic Worker Mural
- Cat Town Cafe Murals
- Caution Mural
- CBS Wall
- Chaos Without Peace Within Mural
- Cheemah Mural
- Chef Lau's Restaurant Mural
- Chinatown Dragon Mural
- Choices Mural
- Chris Granillo House Mural
- Chuck Light Hummingbird mural
- Cille's Market & Liquor Store Mural
- Civicorps Job Training Center
- Claremont Middle School
- Clean Up Mural
- Clothing Town Mural
- Coffee Mill murals
- Communication Workers of America Mural
- Community Collage Mural
- Community Foods Market Mural
- Compala Mural
- Connie's Cantina Mural
- Con Ojos Indigenos Mural
- Cool Neon Funhouse Production
- Corner Market Mural
- Courage Mural
- Courtland Creek Mural
- Crayone Panda Mural
- Create Life Mural
- Create Mural
- Creating a Healthy Community mural
- Creative Framing and Gallery mural
- Creative Warriors Mural
- Creature Comfort Mural
- Cultural Equality Mural
- Culture is a Weapon Mural
- Dance of the Dead Mural
- David Polka Athen B Mural
- Dead Eyes Parking Lot Mural
- Decolonize Mural
- Deegs Money Mural
- de Fremery skate park
- Deli & Meat Market
- Deli & Meat Market Murals
- Despicable Me Minions Mural
- Destiny Arts Center
- Dewey Tucker
- Diamond Mural
- Diaspora Dance Mural
- Dimond Gateway Mural
- Dimond's Hidden Jewels Mural
- Dinosaur Mural
- Dirty Thirty Wall
- Dishonesty Vs Integrity Mural
- Dog Garage Mural
- Don't Fret mural
- Don't Fret wheatpaste people
- Don't Waste Water Mural
- Dos Gallos Mural
- Doty Face Mural
- Double D BBQ Wall
- Do What You Love Mural
- Dragon Mural in Marin Way
- Dragon School Murals
- Dreamcatcher Mural
- Dream Day 2014
- Dream's Arms Mural
- Dreams of the Champions Mural
- Earth Sanctuary Mural
- East 10th and 5th Avenue Mural
- East 23rd Stairway mural
- East Coast Meets West Coast Mural
- East Oakland Sports Center
- Eastside Arts Cultural Center Murals
- Eihab Discount Store Mural
- El Espolón Mural
- Ella Baker Center Mural
- El Ojo de Agua
- El Taco Zamorano Mural
- Embassy of the Refugee Mural
- Emerson Elementary
- En El Libro Tu Libertad Mural
- Envision Academy
- Epic Charter School mural
- eRACISM Mural
- Ericka Huggins Mural
- Ernest Doty Fence Mural
- Estetica Unisex Mary's Mural
- Evolve mural
- Face Garage Mural
- Face House Mural
- Famous One's Mural
- Fang Mural
- Faultline Artspace Murals
- Favianna Mural at Oakland Museum
- Fernando's Tires Mural
- Few and Far Mural
- Fire Building Mural
- Flax Art & Design
- Flax Mural
- Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a Bee Mural
- Food for Thought Mural
- For Those Still to Come Mural
- Fortune Restaurant Mural
- Foundry of the Future Mural
- Four Guardians Mural
- Fox Courts Mural Project
- Franklin Recreation Center
- Free Montgomery Building Mural
- Free Pussy Riot Mural
- Fremont High Annex Mural
- From the Evolution to the Revolution Mural
- Fruitvale Bart Parking Lot Mural
- Fruitvale Collision Center
- Fruitvale Elementary School
- Funktown Arts District Mural
- Gandhi Mural
- Gartes Tires Mural
- Gateway Market Mural
- GATS and Lords Wall
- Gentrification is not Sustainable Mural
- Geso Mural
- Ghost Ship Mural
- Giant Burger Mural
- Giraphics mural
- Giraphics mural/2016 Restoration
- Girl Mobb 34th Street Mural
- Girl Mobb Super Wall
- Girl with Hose Mural
- Give Back Mural
- Give Love Mural
- Glow Glass Studio Walls
- God Bless the Rats Mural
- God's Gym
- Golden Chinese New Year Mural
- Golden Gate Recreation Center mural
- Gone Swet Gone Mural
- Goser Bird Mural
- Grand Performance Mural
- Grand Theft Auto Wall
- Great Distress Under the Heavens mural
- Green Ladies Mural
- Greyhound Bus Station Mural
- Guazapa Auto Repair
- Hand of Doom Mural
- Hands for Peace Murals
- Han Mural
- Hanuman vs 5 Headed Serpent Mural
- Harrington-McInnis Printers Mural
- Harvest Mural
- Healing Song Mural
- Health and Wellness Mural
- Heart and Mind Mural
- Heavy Elements Mural
- Hella Massive Colombo Mural
- Hello Jack Mural
- High as a Bird Mural
- Holistic Veterinary Care Mural
- Homeland Security Mural
- Honest Al's Wall
- Hook and Bill Mural
- Hope Fence Mural
- Hope Mural
- House of Chicken and Waffles Mural
- House of Produce Mural
- Housing Justice Mural
- Hudson Bay Cafe
- Hummingbee Fence Mural
- Hummingbee Mural
- Hummingbird and Rose Mural
- Hummingbird Mural
- Hummingbird Mural, Market
- IAFF Mural
- Ice Cream Man Mural
- Ideal Market Mural
- I Love Dimond Mural
- Infinite Potential Mural
- In Memory of King Dream Mural
- Inner Child Accordance mural
- Intertribal Friendship House Murals
- Intuitivism Mural
- Invisible Colors Mural
- Irie Lion Mural
- I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you Mural
- It Only Takes a Pair of Gloves Mural
- I wish I Could Stop Mural
- Jade Mural
- Jaguar Night mural
- Jay's NicNac's Murals
- Jet Martinez Mural
- Jewish Cultural Experience Mural
- Jihad Mural
- Jim's Deli Mural
- Joey Colombo Garage Mural
- Journey of Wellness Mural at LifeLong Medical East Oakland
- Jump Rope Mural
- Justice for Oscar Fruitvale Mural
- Justice for Oscar Grant Mural
- Justice for Trayvon Mural
- Kaiser Hospital mural
- Kapor Center entrance mural
- K&D Market murals
- Keep it Fresh mural
- Keep the Amazon Green Mural
- Kelsey's Escape Mural
- KES Fitness Mural
- Key Route mural
- Key Route Plaza mural
- Kilumbo Warriors Mural
- Kim Huong murals
- Kingdom Building Outreach Ministries Mural
- Kirkham Graffiti Wall
- Kiss My Black Arts Mural
- Kiss My Black Arts Mural (San Pablo Ave @ Market St)
- Kite Mural
- Knowledge is Power mural
- Know Your Ancestors Mural
- Koi and Lotus mural
- Korean Drummer Mural
- La Armadura de Dios Mural
- La Clinica de la Raza mural
- Lady Day Mural
- La Estrella Mural
- La Frontera Mural
- Lake Merritt Beauty Supply and Salon Mural
- Lake Merritt Super Market
- Lakeshore mural
- Lakeview School Mural
- Landvale Bridge
- Laney College Art Center mural
- Laney College Mural
- La Nopalera Mural
- La Oaxaqueña Mural
- Laurel Cyclery mural
- Laurel Elementary School Murals
- Leaning Tower of Pizza
- Left Coast Garden Wholesale mural
- Legacy mural
- Leona Mural Project
- Leo's Music Mural
- Let's Go Oakland Mural
- Let Us Forgive Mural
- Liberate Space Mural
- Life Garden/Black and Brown Unity Mural
- LifeGivers Mural
- Lincoln Square Park Murals
- Lincoln Square Recreation Center Mural
- Lion Door Mural
- Lion Mural
- Little Stars Mural
- Live from Oakland Mural
- Live Learn Love mural
- Local 20 Mural
- Longfellow Mural
- Long Live Oscar Grant Mural
- Lords Dragon Mural
- Lost and Found Mural
- Los Tres Potrillos Mural
- Love, Art & Music are the Universal Language Mural
- Love Letter to Oakland Mural
- Love Letter to Oakland No. 2 Mural
- Love Your Enemies mural
- Loyal to My Soil mural
- m0xy Mural
- MacArthur BART Station Murals and Mosaics
- MacArthur People Mural
- Mac Dre Mural
- Mac Dre RIP Mural
- Mad Pride Mural
- Madre Maiz Mural
- Making Faces Mural
- Malcom X Festival Announcement Mural
- Ma Me House Vietnamese Cuisine
- Man Must Wak Mural
- Map Mural
- Marcus Books Murals
- Marcus Foster Building
- Marin Way Murals
- Mark Bode Mural
- Marriott Mural
- Marshall "Major" Taylor mural
- Martin Luther King Cultural Corridor Entrance
- Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Corridor
- Martin Luther King, Jr Elementary Murals
- Max Kauffman Mural
- Mayan Reinterpreted Mural
- Memories of You, Me and Her Mural
- Mexicali Rose Mural
- Mexicali Rose Outdoor murals
- Mike Dream Memorial Mural
- Mind, Body and Soul Mural
- Mission 2 Burn Mural
- Moby Dick Mural
- M&O Market murals
- Monster Mural
- Montclair Gateway Mural
- Montclair Parking Garage murals
- Montclair Park Mural
- Mother Earth, Father Sky mural
- Mother Ethiopia mural
- Movimiento Salvadoreno Mural
- Mr Ef and 7Seas Mural
- M. Robinson Baker YMCA
- Mural at the Foothill Square Wells Fargo branch
- Mural Lane
- Mural on Telegraph
- Murals of Life 'N Hope
- Mushroom cloud city mural
- Narwhal Mural
- Nature Mural
- Never Been Idle Mural
- New Car Care Automotive Mural
- New Tin's Market Mural
- Nia Wilson mural
- Nick Kuszyk House Mural
- Nick's Liquors Mural
- Nina Cell Phone Mural
- Nina Solano Way Mural
- Nipsey Hussle mural
- NO BONZO Oh Well and GATS Mural
- No Color Lines mural
- Noodle Eater Mural
- Noone and Smooi Fence Mural
- No One Dragon Mural
- Nuestros Barrios Mural
- Nunu's Giraffes
- Nymphs Mural
- Oakand is Proud Power to the People Block Party
- Oakland All Nations Mural
- Oakland Business and Professional Women's Club Mural
- Oakland Celebration Mural
- Oakland City of Dreams Mural
- Oakland Civility Mural
- Oakland Coliseum Murals
- Oakland Cultures Mural
- Oakland Doughnut Mural
- Oakland Dreamin' Mural
- Oakland Dreams Mural
- Oakland Drops Beats murals
- Oakland Firestorm Mural
- Oakland Fusion Murals
- Oakland Garden School Mural
- Oakland Green Youth Arts and Media Center Mural
- Oakland Grill Mural
- Oakland Hall of Fame Mural
- Oakland History Murals
- Oakland Is Mural
- Oakland is Under Surveillance Mural
- Oakland Lot Mural
- Oakland Market Mural
- Oakland Mural by Jurne
- Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural
- Oakland Riviera
- Oaklandscape Mural
- Oakland State of Mind Mural
- Oakland Stay Mural
- Oakland Super Hero Mural Project
- Oakland Tech Mural
- Oakland Tech Upper Campus
- Oakland Treehouse Mural
- Oakland Tree Mural
- Oaksterdam Mural
- Oaktastic: Keeping the Town Classic
- Oceanus Mural
- Octopus Garage Mural
- Ode to California Mural
- Offering of Peace, Love, and Abundance Mural
- Ohlone mural
- OIHS Murals with CCA
- One Love Mural
- One Love West Africa Mural
- Open Your Mind, Open Your Heart Mural
- Oscar Grant Mural
- Oscar the Grouch Mural
- Our Liberation Mural
- Outer Space Mural
- Packrat's Paradise Mural
- Pac Man Mural
- Panera Mural
- Parrot Fence Mural
- Parrot Mural
- Paz en Ti Mural
- Peace and Dignity Mural
- Peace and Love Mural
- Peace is Not Mural
- Peace of Mind Mural
- Peacock Mural
- Pedal Power to the People Mural
- People of Oakland Mural
- People's Grocery
- People's Grocery Murals
- Peralta Hacienda Mural
- Peralta Junction
- Perfecting Ministries Mural
- Performance Options Mural
- Pi Crew Monster Mural
- Piedmont Avenue Elementary School mural
- Pigeon Mural
- Plan Bee Mural
- Polaroid Car Mural
- Poppy Mural
- Portal Mural
- Portrait of Derrick Hayes mural
- Precision Motors Mural
- Pride and Pedigree Mural
- Protect Mother Earth Mural
- Protect Our Kids, Stop the Arms Trade Mural
- Puff n Stuff Mural
- Purple Rose mural
- Put a Prayer in the Air Mural
- Pyramid Mural
- Raiders and Warriors Mural
- Rainbow Onramp Mural
- Ramon Herrerra Robles Mural
- Random Parts Mural
- Ray Charles Mural
- Razor Sharp Barber Shop Mural
- Rebirth Mural
- Reggie Warlock Monsters
- Reindeer Mural
- Rejuvenation Mural
- Remembering Emilio Myors Mural
- Remember They See Everything Mural
- Rest in Peace Dream Mural
- rip big joe
- RIP Jacka Mural
- Rise Above Mural
- Rise and Grind 2
- Rise and Grind Mural
- Rite Aid Montclair Mural
- Robin Mural
- Rocket Dog Rescue Mural
- Rock Paper Scissors Mural
- Rockridge BART Station mural
- Roger's Autoworks mural
- Rolling Dunes Mural
- Roman Chariot Mural
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Roots Run Deep Mural
- Roots, Spirit and Color of the American Dream Mural
- Rooz Cafe Murals
- Ross Food Market Murals
- Rowan Morrison Mural
- Sacred Circle Mural
- Sacred Cycles Mural
- Sacred Geometry Mural
- Saint Andrews Plaza Super Heroes mural
- Saint Elizabeth High School
- Samurai Girl III Mural
- San Pablo Hotel
- Sausal On My Mind Mural
- Sax Man Mural
- Say What Mural
- Saze Mural
- School Market Mural
- Screenprint Mural
- Sea Turtle Mural
- Sedi Bo mural
- Self Determination Mural
- Self Reflection Mural
- Septerhed Mural
- Seraphix Mural
- Serve the People mural
- Shangri-la Vegan Restaurant
- Shiva Shakti Mural
- Silence the Violence Mural
- Silence the Violence Oakland Mural
- Silver Skull Mural
- Simpsons in Space Mural
- Smartphones Make People Stupid Mural
- Smash Patriarchy Mural
- Solano Alley Project
- Souley Vegan Mural
- Spanish Speaking Citizens' Foundation
- Sparkart Mural
- Spark Plugs Custom Mural
- Spatial Eyes Mural
- Speed's Auto Shop Mural
- Spiritual Release Mural
- Sprouts Mural
- Squid Fence Mural
- Stanford Laundry Mural
- St. Anthony School Murals
- Star Liquors Mural
- Stay Aware Mural
- Stilt House Mural
- Stinkfishstink Mural
- Stop Gentrification Mural
- Stop Global Warming Mural
- Stop the War on Nature Mural
- Story of Yu Kwan Soon Mural
- Straus Carpet Mural
- Street Mystic Mural
- Street Story Mural
- Street Tattoo Mural
- Strings Attached Mural
- St Vincent de Paul Mural
- Sum Yuen Hang murals
- Sunbeam Market Mural
- Sunrise Mural
- Superhero Mural
- Supermercado Mi Pueblo Murals
- Survive Pop Up Mural
- Susan Cayton Woodson Mural
- Tamales La Oaxaqueña
- Taqueria Campos Mural
- Taste of Denmark Mural
- Tech Exchange
- Telegraph
- Temescal Flows Mural
- Temescal Insitu mural
- Temescal Mural Project
- The Art Board Mural
- The Easter Rabbit Mural
- The Forces of Nature Mural
- The Hike Mural
- The Lake Merritt Mural
- The Layover Murals
- The Monster Project
- The New Easy mural
- The New Parkway
- The Pallet Space Murals
- The Rare Bird Mural
- There's More to Green Than Money mural
- There's No Place Like Home Mural
- The Stork Club Murals
- The Terrace Room
- The Untold Story Mural
- Three Amigos Market Mural
- Three Elephants Mural
- Three Magi Mural
- Tiger Mural at Classic Cars West
- Time for Change, Increase the Peace Mural
- To Ignore Evil Mural
- Tony the Tiger Mural
- Town Bizz Keeps it Trill Mural
- Train Stop Trompe L'oeil
- Trayvon Martin Mural
- Tree Garage Mural
- Trust Your Struggle Mural
- Tubman in the Celestial House of Shango mural
- Turbo Auto Body Mural
- Turfin' Mural
- Tyrannosaurus Mural
- Underdog Mural
- Under the Sea Mural
- United Nations Mural
- United We Grow Mural
- Upon the Closing of a Child’s Eyes, Sleeping Giants and Titans Rise Mural
- Urban Modernism Mural
- Urban Promise Academy Mural
- US Spring Service Murals
- Uter Bedlam Mural
- Uter Free Montgomery Mural
- Uter Solano Way Mural
- UTI Production
- Venice Mural
- Victory Burger
- Vintage Mural
- Visual Element Murals
- Vogue Mural
- Vogue Wall of Fame Piece
- Voyage to the Underworld Mural
- Vulcan Mural
- Warmer Waters Mural
- Warriors Mural
- Watermelon Rock
- Water Writes Mural
- Waves and Lady Mural
- Weapons of Mass Distraction Mural
- We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For Mural
- Wearing the Suit Mural
- We Do It for the Culture Mural
- We Got Your Back mural
- Weight of the Red White and Blue Mural
- Welcome to Afrikatown Mural
- Welcome to Oakland Mural
- Welcome to West Oakland Building
- Western Service Workers Association Mural
- West Oakland Branch Library
- West Oakland Mural
- West Oakland Youth Center
- West Side is the Best Side Mural
- Wheel Service
- Where Neighbors Meet Mural
- White Elephant Mural
- Whole Foods mural
- Who Stole The Sun Mural
- Wild Wild West Mural
- Woman in Pink mural
- Woodminster Market Mural
- Woody's Mask Mural
- Work it Out Mural
- Yia Yia's Sandwiches Mural
- Yogofina mural
- Yo Soy Trayvon Martin Mural
- Zezao mural and boat