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- A Better Way, Inc.
- Action Alliance for Children (AAC)
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
- Alameda County/Oakland Children's Services
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
- Bibliomania
- Books Portal
- City of Oakland Aquatics
- DreamCatcher Youth Program
- East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC)
- East Oakland Youth Development Center
- Emory Douglas
- Free Eats in Oakland
- GED Preparation
- Halloween Events 2013
- History
- Maps of Oakland
- Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
- Museums
- Needs Mike
- Noel Gallo
- Oakland History
- Original Kasper's Hot Dogs
- Restaurants by Style
- The Layover
- Wiki Community/Educators Portal
Pages that need images/photos
Use the “needs images” tag
- 1020-1022 Bella Vista
- 1226 12th Street
- 145 Monte Cresta Apartments
- 1815 Leimert
- 206 Lee Street Apartments
- 245 Lee Street Apartments
- 25th Street Collective
- 3020 Broadway
- 3034-3040 Richmond Boulevard
- 3054 Richmond Boulevard
- 421 Fairmount
- 73rd Avenue Rollercoaster
- 82nd Produce Murals
- 85th Avenue Mini Park
- 88th Avenue Mini Park
- Aaron Court Apartments
- Abbey Arms Apartments
- Abbington Arms Apartments
- Abraham Jonas
- Abstract Mural
- Acme Athletic Club
- Adeline Manor Murals
- Aguilar Lake Apartments
- Akwaaba Hall
- Alameda County Birth Control League
- Albert Bercovich
- Alcatraz Hall
- Alfonso Dominguez
- Alliance Academy Murals
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (Oakland Office)
- Alta Vista Apartments
- Alton-Brighton Apartments
- Ambassador Arms Apartments
- Amedee Sourdry
- Anthony Chabot Regional Park
- Ardmore Apartments
- Arroyo Viejo Creek
- Arroyo Viejo, Lucky A's
- Arroyo Viejo Park
- August Schilling
- Aurora Apartments
- Avenal Apartments
- Bakery El Sol
- Barney Hilburn
- Bartlett
- Battambang Restaurant
- Ba Vo Restaurant
- Bay Area Technology School (6-8)
- Belnido Bungalow Apartments
- Bercovich Building
- Berkeley
- Beth Jacob Congregation
- Bethlehem Lutheran Church
- Beulah Rest Home
- Big G Burger
- Bike Clubs
- Bike Events
- Biketopia
- Biking Advocacy
- billboards
- Binh Minh Quan
- Bireley's
- BJ (Dog)
- Black-Crowned Night Herons
- Bob Wilkins
- Bonnie Brae Apartments
- Boom Box Man
- Booth Memorial Hospital
- Boulton Apartments
- Bow and Bell
- Bridge Container Mural
- Broadway Auto Row
- Brookdale Park
- Brookfield Village
- Brooklyn Basin (development)
- Brooklyn ship
- Bruce Apartments
- Buffet Fortuna
- Burckhalter Tennis Court
- Bushrod Recreation Center
- Buswell Block
- Caballo Hills
- Cafe 3016
- Cafe Colucci
- Cafe Lakeview
- Cahill & Sbarbaro Building
- California Slender Salamander
- Cameron Built Homes
- Cameron Withgot Wolfe
- Cam Huong Restaurant
- Camp John T. Knight
- Carlos Nava Mural
- Carr Jones
- Carter Gilmore Sports Complex
- Casa Del Lago Apartments
- Casa Segura
- Casper Banjo
- Castle Rea Villas
- Central Block
- Central Building & Loan Association Building
- Central Reservoir Field
- Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland & Piedmont
- Chabot Elementary School
- Chabot Field
- Chabot Park
- Chabot Woman's Home
- Channel Park
- Charles Jurgens
- Charles Jurgens Company - Lux Theater Building
- Charles Richard
- Chateau Salle Apartments
- Chinese Independent Baptist Church
- Cine 7 Theater
- Circuit Launch
- City Administration Building
- Civic Center
- Civic Center Post Office
- Civic Hack Night
- Claremont Hills
- Claremont Path
- Claremont Pines
- Claude Clark
- Clinton
- Clinton Day
- Clothing Donation Bins
- Coliseum
- Coliseum Gardens Park
- Coliseum Industrial (Neighborhood)
- Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART Station
- Columbia Gardens
- Columbian Gardens Park
- Community Garden in Lakeside Park
- Community Gardens
- Concordia Park
- Concordia Tennis Court
- Contemporary Art Museum of Oakland
- Co-Soap
- Cox
- Coyote Counter Collective
- Creole Café
- Crestmont
- Crocker Bank Building
- Crocker Highlands
- Crocker Highlands Elementary School
- Crosswalks
- CSAA Building
- Curtis B. Roberts, Sr.
- Daniel Clowes
- David Bradford
- David E. Glover Education and Technology Center
- Defremery Pool
- Delger Block
- Del Rey Apartments
- Desi Mundo
- Dewey High School
- Diamond Mural
- Discovery Center West
- Discovery Science Center
- Dog Shit Park
- Dolphin Mini Park
- Donna's Tamales
- Donut Star & Star Wok Express
- Doris Mae Apartments
- Downtown Oakland YMCA
- Dream Day 2014
- Driver Plaza
- Driveway Follies Halloween Show
- Duane Deterville
- Dunsmuir Estate Park
- Durant Manor
- Eastland Apartments
- Eastmont
- East Oakland School of the Arts
- Eastshore Park
- EastSide Arts Alliance
- Eddie Lorrigan
- Edgewood Apartments
- Edmond P Sanford
- Edward Gibbons
- El Agavero
- Elbo Room
- Electric Embers
- Elihu M. Harris
- Elizabeth House
- Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
- Ella Baker Center Mural
- Elmhurst
- Elmhurst Lyons Field
- Elmhurst Park
- El Mirador Apartments
- Embarcadero (Embarcadero Cove) Neighborhood
- Emil Villa's Hickory Pit
- Empire Foundry Company
- English Lutheran Church
- Enoch H. Pardee
- Epic Beard Man
- Eriberto Perez-Angeles
- Erie Apartments
- Ettore Products Company
- Euclid Court Apartments
- Euromix Delicatessen
- Excelsior Pharmacy
- Fairmount Apartments
- Fannie Wall Children’s Home and Day Nursery
- Farms
- Faultline Artspace Murals
- Favianna Mural at Oakland Museum
- Festival at the Lake
- F.I. Matthews House
- Flora Restaurant & Bar
- Food & Drink Festivals
- Foothill Meadows Extension
- Foothill Square (neighborhood)
- Foothill Theater
- Forbitten City
- Foremost Dairies
- Frank Epperson
- Franklin Building
- Franklin Park
- Franklin Rhoda
- Frank Ogawa Firescape Garden
- Fred Garretson
- Fred N. Morcom
- Fredrick Apartments
- Fremont High School
- Fremont Pool
- Fricke Building
- Fruitvale Christian Church
- Fruitvale Community Bulletin Board
- Fruitvale Masonic Temple
- Fruitvale Village Paseo Farmer's Market
- FuseBox
- Garden House
- Garfield Park
- Gaskill
- Gateway Theatre
- Gentrification
- George M. Blake
- George McCrea House and Indian Campground
- George Posey
- George V. Arth & Son
- George W. Flick
- Gernhardt-Strohmaier Building
- Ghazal Indian Cuisine
- Ghirardelli House
- Ghosttown
- Gibson Branch Library
- Glen Echo
- Glenn E. Dyer Detention Facility
- Glenview Elementary
- Glenview Junior High School
- Golden Gate
- Golden Gate Recreation Center
- Gooch Block
- Goodwill Industries
- Grace Community Methodist Church
- Graffiti Ordinance
- Grand Central Lodging House
- Grand Lake
- Grass Valley
- Greater Cooper A.M.E. Zion Church
- Green Day
- Green Papaya Deli
- Grove Building
- Gruener Building
- Halal Shish Kabab
- Hardy Park & Dog Park
- Harold Anthony Wilson
- Harriet Davis
- Harrington
- Harrison School
- Harvey Clars Auction Gallery
- H. Dombrink Company
- Health and Wellness Mural
- Heal the Hood at First Friday
- Heart and Mind Mural
- Hegenberger
- Hegenberger Expressway
- Hella Vegan Eats
- Henry A. Butters
- Henry Delton Williams
- Henry Durant
- Henry Huntly Haight III
- Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School
- Henry J. Kaiser Memorial Park
- Highland
- Highland Park
- Highland Terrace
- High Street Presbyterian Church
- Highway 24
- Highway 77
- Hillcrest Elementary School
- Hill Top Tavern
- History
- Hodo Soy Beanery
- Holiday Fish
- Holly Mini Park
- Holy Names High School
- Hotel St. George
- Housewives Market
- Howard Automobile – Dahl Chevrolet Showroom
- Hudson Bay Cafe
- Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale Student Lounge
- Humboldt Park Hotel
- Hung Liu
- Ian Sagabaen
- ikea
- images of oakland 1980s
- Indian Gulch
- Interstate 980
- Irving School
- Issues
- Jack London House
- Jane Brunner
- Japanese Garden
- Jeff Camilosa
- Jefferson Dog Play Area
- Jefferson Square
- Jin Sing Restaurant
- Joaquin Miller Dog Play Area
- John A. Forbes
- John Allyn
- John C. Houlihan
- John J. Donovan
- John Lee Hooker
- John Madden
- John W. Ehle
- Jones "Pinto" Field
- Joseph Knowland
- Juan Bautista Alvarado
- Jurgens Block
- Justice for Oscar Grant Mural
- Kaiser Permanente Oakland Farmers' Market
- Kamdesh Afghan Kabab House
- Kam Land Bakery
- Kapiolani Cottage
- Kensington Apartments
- Khana Peena
- Kinetic Arts Center
- Koffee Pot
- Koreatown Northgate
- Ky Ebright Boathouse
- La Estrella Mural
- Lake Chabot
- Lake Merritt Apartments
- Lake Merritt Sailboat House
- Lakeshore
- Lakeshore Cafe
- Lakeshore Produce
- Lakeside Horticultural Center - Kitchen Garden
- Lakeside Palmetum
- Lakeside Park
- Lakeside Park Garden Center
- Lakewood Apartments
- Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
- Laney College
- Laney College Carnival
- Laney College (neighborhood)
- Las Palmas
- Laurel Elementary School Murals
- Laurel Street Fair
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Laydie X
- Lazear Field
- Lazear Park
- Lee Susman
- Lena Verderano Reynoso
- Leslie Apartments
- LifeGivers Mural
- Lincoln Square Park
- Lindbergh Apartments
- Lionel J. Wilson
- Lions Pool
- Live Oak Memorial Pool
- Lloyd Ferguson
- Lloyd Hotel Building
- Love, Art & Music are the Universal Language Mural
- Lowell Park
- MacArthur Maze
- Madison Square Park
- Madrone Hotel
- Magnolia Hall
- Mama's Royal Cafe
- Ma Me House Vietnamese Cuisine
- Mandana Plaza Park
- Manzanita Park
- Manzanita Recreation Center
- Maple Hall
- Marion E. Wildy
- Marks Building
- Marlborough Apartments
- Marshall "John Marshall" Athletic Field
- Mary Canning
- McClymonds Mini Park
- McConnell Athletic Field
- McKeen Apartments
- Medical Arts Building
- Mediterranean Garden
- Mega Lee
- Merriewood Stairs
- Metropolitan Golf Links
- Mexican American Liberation Art Front (MALAF)
- Miami Apartments
- Michael Morgan
- Millard Apartments
- Miller Avenue Branch Library
- Mme. de St. Germain's Oenophile Store
- Montclair
- Montclair Golf Course
- Moor Hotel
- Morgan Plaza Park
- Mosaic Art
- Mosswood Recreation Center
- Mount Vernon Park
- Murals that need pictures
- Mutual Creamery Building
- Nancy Nadel
- National Guard Armory
- Nation's Giant Burgers
- Neecha Thai
- Nelson Apartments
- Newman Tool, Die & Machine Works
- Nguyen Vietnamese Cuisine
- Nimitz Freeway
- Nina Wright
- Ninna Restaurant
- Noble Company
- Noodle Theory
- Nora Mobile Spanish Cuisine
- Normandie Place
- North Field
- North Oakland Church of Christ
- Nunu's Giraffes
- Oak Glen Park
- Oakland Ave - Harrison St
- Oakland Avenue Apartments
- Oakland Ballet Company
- Oakland California Towel Company
- Oakland Community Pools Project
- Oakland Emiliano Zapata Street Academy
- Oakland Fire Dept. ARFF Crash Units
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 1
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 18
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 21
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 23
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 27
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 28
- Oakland Fire Dept. Station 7
- Oakland Fortune Factory
- Oakland History
- Oakland Main Post Office
- Oakland Opera Lecture Club
- Oakland Zoo Gondola
- Oak Port
- Odell Sylvester
- Officer Willie Wilkins Park
- Old Oakland
- Omar Club
- Orange Dell Tract
- Oriental Block
- Ostrander Park
- Otis Spunkmeyer Field
- Overland House
- Ozumo
- Packard Lofts
- Pagoda Hill
- Parcells Safe Company
- Park Boulevard
- Parkside Manor
- Pearson's Hardware
- Peralta ferryboat
- Peralta Hacienda Mural
- Peralta Oaks Park
- Peralta Park
- Pho 84
- Pho Ao Sen
- Pho Ga Huong Que Cafe
- Piedmont Lake Apartments
- Piedmont-Oakland Bulletin
- Piedmont Plaza Park
- Pig’n Whistle
- Pill Hill
- Pinto Park
- Pizza Politana
- Plaza Cafe
- Plum Bar
- Point Oakland Firehouse
- Prescott
- Princeton Apartments
- Province of the Mists Fight Practice
- Quickly
- Radio Beach
- Radner Apartments
- R. A. Doty Star Cars
- Raimondi Park
- Rainbow Park
- Ramen Shop
- Rancho Peralta Park
- Rang Dong Restaurant
- Rawley T. Farnsworth Theater
- Redwood Heights Park
- Redwood Heights Recreation Center
- Regina Apartments
- Renod's
- Rhododendron Garden
- Richard Lee (activist)
- Richard Misrach
- Rita Sklar
- Robin Perry Athletic Field
- Rockridge Park
- Roselawn
- Rudonia Apartments
- Sabuy Sabuy Thai Cuisine
- Sacred Geometry Mural
- Saint Andrews Plaza Super Heroes mural
- Sam Richardson
- Sausal Creek Walk
- School Market
- Scott's Seafood
- SeeClickFix
- Self Determination Mural
- Seneca Reservoir
- Sensory Garden
- Sequoia Lodge
- Sequoia Lodge Park
- Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist
- Seville Apartments
- Sexton/Favre Building
- Seymour C. Davisson House
- Shade Tree
- S.H.E.D. Projects
- Sheffield Village
- Sheffield Village Park
- Sheffield Village Recreation Center
- Shimizu Sushi
- Shirley Apartments
- Shooting Star Cafe
- Shoreline Development plan, 1951
- Showboat Restaurant
- Siam Bay
- Skewers Mediterranean Delight
- Skyline Boulevard
- Skyline High School
- Slip Madigan
- Snow Museum
- Snyder Block
- Sobo Ramen
- Sobrante Park
- Soi Four Bangkok Eatery
- Souley Vegan
- Soul's Restaurant
- South Oakland Hills
- South Prescott Park
- Spanish Speaking Citizens' Foundation
- Splash Pad Park
- Spring Festival
- Springland Festival & Egg Hunt
- Stanley Court Apartments
- Star Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
- Steinbeck Building
- Stephanie Yun
- Steven Tull
- Stonehurst Field
- Stonehurst Park
- Storek & Storek
- St. Paul’s Episcopal School
- Street Trees
- St. Theresa Catholic Church
- Studio Building
- Studio One Reading Series
- St. Vincent's Day Home
- Succulent Garden
- Sullivan Building
- Sustainable Economies Law Center
- Sustaining Ourselves Locally
- Sweet Marias
- Taco Charley
- Ta-Ke Sushi Japanese Restaurant
- Taller Tupac Amaru
- Taquerias
- Tassafaronga Field
- Tassafaronga Village
- Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church
- Techbridge
- Telegraph Avenue
- Temescal Farmers' Market
- The Bikery
- The Cakeland
- The Centennial
- The Center for Tactical Magic
- The Good Hop
- The Grand Tavern
- The Hive
- The Hub Building
- The Jewish Federation
- The Jubilee
- The Laurel District
- The MADE
- The Mixing Bowl
- The Monster Project
- The Rotisserie Deli
- The Saw Mill
- The Short Cut (Millsmont)
- The Stride Center
- The Taco Truck
- Think College Now
- Thompson Apartments
- Tofu Yu
- Tomas Melero-Smith Park
- Townsend Apartments
- TranSports
- Trestle Glen Apartments
- Triple Point Cohousing
- Tyrone Carney Park
- Urban Promise Academy
- Uzen Japanese Cuisine
- Venga Paella
- Victor J. Bergeron
- Vientian Café
- Village Bottoms
- Vireya Display Garden
- Vista Grande Apartments
- Wade Johnson Athletic Field
- Wade Johnson Park
- Wayne-Lake Apartments
- Webster Apartments
- Weger Arms Apartments
- West Grand Avenue
- West Grand Hotel
- West Park Apartments
- Wetmore House Group
- William "Bill" Patterson Park
- Willowbrook Dairy
- Willow Mini Park
- Windsor House
- Wood Street Pocket Park
- Youth UpRising
- Zombie Village
Images that need sources
Use the “image needs sources” tag
- 1200 Lakeshore
- 1946 Oakland General Strike
- 415
- 81st Avenue Branch Library
- Acorn (neighborhood)
- Adams Point
- Addis Ethiopian Restaurant
- African American Museum and Library at Oakland
- A Friendly Place
- Alma Lavenson
- American Steel Studios
- Art is Love Mural
- Athens Athletic Club
- Beast Oakland
- Ben Davidson
- Better Homes and Gardens | Reliance Partners
- B.F. Ferris
- Bibliomania
- Bicycling
- Biff's Coffee Shop
- Bill Aboudi
- Birdland Jazz
- Black History Month/2014 Events
- Bracero Program
- Bushrod Park
- Cafe Crush
- Calvin Simmons Middle School
- Canada Geese
- Cary Kent
- Cathedral Building
- Cesar Chavez
- Chicano Revolutionary Party
- Chris Bolton
- Cinco de Mayo Festival
- City Stables
- Coffee With a Beat
- Cohen-Bray House
- Cumbia
- daforce
- Dana Cafe
- Dave's Coffee Shop
- De Domenico Building
- de Fremery skate park
- Deli & Meat Market
- Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell
- Digital Arts and Culinary Academy
- Doggie Diner
- Domain
- Dorothy DeBolt
- Dunsmuir Hellman House
- Earle C. Anthony Packard Showroom
- East Bay Laundry
- East Bay Tweed Ride
- Eastmont Branch Library
- East Oakland Youth Development Center
- Econo Jam Records
- Ed Elisian
- Edison Elementary School
- El Espolón Mural
- Enssaro
- Erika Mailman
- Ersie Joyner
- Fathom Mural
- Felix Mitchell
- Feng Ru
- Fentons Creamery
- First Fridays in Oakland
- Fitzgerald and Union Plaza Parks
- Fong Get Moo
- Fox Oakland Theatre
- Free Wireless in Oakland
- Fruitvale District
- Funktown Farm Community Garden
- George's Auto Repair
- Gertrude Stein
- Glen Echo Creek Stairs
- Golden Associates
- Golden Gate Cracker Company
- Grand Avenue
- Grand Lake Farmers' Market
- Grizzly APC
- Guy Hyde Chick House
- Harrison Railroad Park
- Harry S. Anderson
- Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
- Hells Angels Oakland
- Highland Hospital
- Hinky Dink's
- History of Mexican and Latino Americans
- Holy Names University
- Howard Terminal
- INFERNO art gallery
- Ishmael Reed
- Italian American
- Italian Colors Restaurant
- James 'Jim' Copes
- Jerry Amaro
- Jill Broadhurst
- Jingletown
- Jose Luis Buenrostro
- Journey of Wellness Mural at LifeLong Medical East Oakland
- Julius G. Kellersberger
- Kapor Center entrance mural
- Keeping Ducks in Oakland
- Key System
- Kyle Thomas
- KYOM Dance Group
- La Clinica de la Raza
- La Clinica de la Raza mural
- Lake Merritt Hotel
- Lake Temescal
- Laney Coding Club
- Lawrence P. Crouchett
- LeRonne Armstrong
- Linden Park
- Longfellow
- Lowriders
- MacArthur Freeway
- MacFarlane's Candy Company
- Mack Webber
- Magnavox Company
- Malaquias Montoya
- Manuel Ruben Delgado
- Mario Juarez
- Marston Campbell Park
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch Library
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way
- Merritt College
- Mexicali Rose Outdoor murals
- Mexican American Liberation Art Front (MALAF)
- Middle Harbor Shoreline Park
- Mi Rancho
- M&O Market murals
- Montgomery Ward & Company Building
- Mosaics at the Institute of Mosaic Art
- Mural at the Foothill Square Wells Fargo branch
- New Lucky's
- Oakland Auditorium
- Oakland Civility Mural
- Oakland Firestorm 1991
- Oakland Floral Depot building
- Oakland Gnomes
- Oakland Laundry Company - Calou's Linen Service
- Oakland Museum of California
- Oakland Riviera
- Oaklandscape Mural
- Oakland Tribune
- Oakland Unified School District
- Occupy Oakland
- Outer Space Mural
- Palm Trees
- Park Community Garden
- Peace and Dignity Mural
- Peralta Hacienda Historical Park
- Peter Stackpole
- Pico de Gallo Fruit Cup
- Piedmont Avenue
- Piedmont Avenue Branch Library
- Piedmont Avenue Elementary School
- Piedmont Baths
- Pizzaiolo
- Plaza Theater Teatro
- Pretty Lady Cafe
- Raimondi Park
- Rainbow Recreation Center
- Rifle Range Creek
- Right Away Redi Mix Concrete
- Robert Roche
- Rockridge Branch Library
- Rosemary
- Rossell G. O'Brien
- Samuel Martinez
- San Pablo Avenue
- Shepherd Canyon Field
- Soul Beat
- Spectator Books
- Stanley Hiller, Sr.
- Stomper
- Strictly Sail Pacific
- Studio One Art Center
- Sweet's Ballroom
- Taco Trucks
- Temescal
- Temescal Community Garden
- The Food Mill
- Thelton Henderson
- The Omni
- The Parkway
- Tina Tamale
- top ten social
- Toscana Sourdough Bread
- Trayvon Martin Protests
- Union Savings Bank
- Unity Council
- Van Buren Tower
- Venga Paella
- Virginie Therese Herckenrath De Fremery
- Warren Barrios Wilson
- Wendy Cross
- Western Pacific Depot
- West Oakland
- West Oakland Branch Library
- West Oakland Health Center
- West Oakland Home
- White Elephant Sale
- William B. Ingersoll
- Willie Williams
- Winston's Bakery
Pages that need internal links to Oakland Wiki pages
How do you add a link to other pages on Oakland Wiki anyway?
Use the “needs links” tag
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Pages that need maps
Use the “needs maps” tag
- Aloy Excel Evol Resq Mural
- Beulah Heights
- Biomedical Companies
- Bomb Squad Mural
- Boom Box Mural
- Business Improvement Districts
- California Foundries, Inc
- Camino of Rancho San Antonio
- Camp John T. Knight
- Central American Refugee Committee
- Children's Hospital/Parent-Infant Program
- Children's Hospital/Pediatric AIDS/HIV Program
- City Council/District 1
- City Council/District 2
- City Council/District 3
- City Council/District 4
- City Council/District 6
- City Council/District 7
- Civicorps Schools (formerly East Bay Conservation Corps)
- Deaf Counseling Advocacy and Referral Agency
- Deli & Meat Market Murals
- Dirty Thirty Wall
- DreamCatcher Youth Program
- Dream Day 2014
- Dream's Arms Mural
- Early Head Start
- Earn Your Bike Program
- East Bay Agency for Children (EBAC)
- East Bay Community Recovery Project
- East Bay Leadership Foundation
- East Oakland School of the Arts
- Education Guidance Center (EGC)
- Elmhurst
- Emancipation Training Center
- Encinal Home Mill
- Evening School (Historic)
- Even Start Family Literacy Program
- Eviction Defense Center
- Food for Thought Mural
- Free Dump Sites in April 2014
- Friday Summer Nights at the Park
- Fruitvale District
- Golden Rule Flouring Mill
- Gone Swet Gone Mural
- Granillo and EK Mural
- Green Ladies Mural
- Hagstrom's Food Stores
- Hand of Doom Mural
- Hawley Investment Company Building
- Hella Massive Colombo Mural
- Hidden Genius Project
- Historic Districts in Oakland
- Hook and Bill Mural
- Hope Mural
- Hopkins Academy
- Ice Cream Man Mural
- Independent Order of Good Templars
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows
- Indian Gulch
- In Memory of King Dream Mural
- Intertribal Friendship House Murals
- Intuitivism Mural
- J. J. Kelly's Marble Works
- J. O'Connor Company
- Jordan Printing Company
- Kelsey's Escape Mural
- Kiss My Black Arts Mural
- Kite Mural
- Knights of Honor
- Knights of the Golden Rule
- Lake Merritt Bioblitz
- Lake Merritt Uptown District Association [LMUDA]
- Lakeshore Highlands Portals
- Laney College Mural
- Laurel Lunar New Year Lion Dancing
- Let's Go Oakland Mural
- Let Us Forgive Mural
- Lincoln Highway
- LoBot Gallery
- Lower Bottoms
- LuckyLo
- Lurie Company/Gariot Building/Nucleus House
- MacArthur Garage Brewery
- Mac Dre Mural
- Madden & Sheedy
- Magnolia Hall
- Malcom X Festival Announcement Mural
- Manhattan Marble Company
- Manos de Oro
- Market Street
- Marks Building
- Mayan Reinterpreted Mural
- Memorial Tabernacle Church Community Garden
- Milano Restaurant
- Miss Bisbee's School
- Miss Horton's School
- Monster Mural
- Montclair Restaurant Walk
- Motels on MacArthur Boulevard
- Mount Vernon Park
- Negawatt Alley
- Nina Solano Way Mural
- Noone and Smooi Fence Mural
- Normal School
- Oak Center Cultural Center Presents Art. Love. Community
- Oakland Academy
- Oakland Carnival Festival
- Oakland Chamber of Commerce Building
- Oakland Community Pools Project
- Oakland Community School
- Oakland Conservatory of Music
- Oakland Cotton Mills
- Oakland Flouring Mills
- Oakland Fresh School Produce Markets
- Oakland Greek Festival 2014
- Oakland Halal Meat & Produce
- Oakland Hills
- Oakland Hotel Company
- Oakland is Under Surveillance Mural
- Oakland Music Festival
- Oakland Running Festival
- Oakland Scenic Tour
- Oscar the Grouch Mural
- OUSD Student Assignment Center
- Pacific Nash Company Auto Sales and Garage
- Packrat's Paradise Mural
- Palo Seco Mill
- Peralta Hacienda Youth Club
- Piedmont Park (Historic)
- Pigeon Mural
- Pollinate
- PopUpHood
- Portal Mural
- Prescott Community Meeting
- Principal Industries of West Oakland – 1920
- Raimondi Park Field
- Rainbow Onramp Mural
- Reed Building
- Reggie Warlock Monsters
- Resek Egypt Themed Mural
- Rest in Peace Dream Mural
- Rifle Range Creek
- Rod & Custom Car Show
- Ronayne Sisters Millinery
- San Antonio Creek
- San Pablo Flea Market
- Sausal Creek Walk
- Screenprint Mural
- Second Saturdays
- Segregation
- Self Reflection Mural
- Septerhed Mural
- Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- Sexton/Favre Building
- Sheba Dining
- Smartphones Make People Stupid Mural
- South Oakland Hills
- Spanish Speaking Citizens' Foundation
- Spark Plugs Custom Mural
- Squid Fence Mural
- Stand for Peace in Cambodia Mural
- St. Anthony School Murals
- Studio Building
- Sunrise Mural
- Susan Cayton Woodson Mural
- Tamarindo Antojeria
- Terraza Palmera at St. Joseph's
- The Forces of Nature Mural
- The Oakland Freedom School
- The Oaks
- Third Thursdays on 25th Street
- T.R.A.C.Y's House
- Turbo Auto Body Mural
- Uptown Studio
- Urban Furniture
- Uter Solano Way Mural
- UTI Production
- Vienna Chemical Steam Dyeing Works
- Vogue Wall of Fame Piece
- Water War (Historic)
- Wearing the Suit Mural
- Wildfire Prevention Assessment District
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